For those seeking to deepen their practice and connect with the ancient wisdom of Tai Chi Gung and meditation, the Circle of Chi is an extraordinary opportunity. Through the guidance of our experienced Teachers and the support of the community, individuals can explore their inner selves, find greater inner peace, and develop the tools to cultivate a more mindful and connected life. 

What We Do

  • We offer regular Tai Chi Gung online classes that are open to individuals of all skill levels.
  • In addition to our weekly classes, we also hold regular workshops that dive deeper into the teachings of Tai Chi Gung, meditation, and spiritual wellness practices.
  • Our community is focused on creating a safe and supportive space where individuals can learn and grow together, using these practices as a vehicle for personal transformation.
Escape the hustle of city life

Master Lama Rasaji

The Circle of Chi is led by Master Lama Rasaji, a true master of Tai Chi Gung, meditation, and martial arts practices. With over 50 years of experience in Lao Tzu’s regenerative health system, he is one of only 12 Master Lamas in the world, having lived and trained at the original Tai Chi Gung lamasery in Tibet founded more than 3000 years ago.

Why Tai Chi Gung?

  • If you are looking to cultivate more inner peace, mindfulness, and spiritual wisdom in your life, Circle of Chi can provide you with the tools, guidance, and support you need to do so.
  • Our community is a welcoming and inclusive space that values a diversity of ideas and encourages personal growth and transformation.
  • Through practicing Tai Chi Gung, prayer, meditation, and other wellness techniques with our community, you will not only improve your physical and mental health, but also gain a deeper understanding of yourself. Come join us and see what Circle of Chi can do for you!

Our Unique Approach

  • Our experienced Teachers provide guidance and instruction to help individuals develop their own personal practice, tailored to their unique needs and goals.
  • We approach prayer, Tai Chi Gung and meditation as practices that are meant to be integrated into our daily lives, not just something we do in a class or workshop setting.
  • We also encourage our members to connect and support each other through regular check-ins, group activities, and discussions.

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P.O. Box 1015 Atlantic Boulevard, Suite 254 Atlantic Beach, FLA 32233