Charmaine Saith

Certified Tai Chi Gung Instructor

A beautiful picture of a mountain valley, where in Orlando Florida Charmaine Saith teaches Tai Chi Gung

Welcome to Circle of Chi!

We're really excited that you have found the Circle of Chi and Tai Chi Gung. Just below are our live classes. You can learn more about your Teacher here too!

Does Tai Chi Gung Really Work?

Well, it's been working for thousands of people in our community in more than 30 countries all over the world right now. And Tai Chi Gung has been shared in an unbroken lineage more than 3,000 years, so it's stood the test of time.

Even so, in the end, it matters most that it works for you and that it's a good fit for you in your life!

Programul cursurilor

4803 Lincoln Ave, Orlando, FL 32819

Cursuri gratuite sâmbăta dimineața la ora 10:00

Pentru a vă înscrie, vă rugăm să trimiteți un e-mail către Charmaine la: [email protected]m

A picture of Charmaine Saith, a Tai Chi Gung Teacher for Circle of Chi in Orlando, Florida

Meet Your Teacher

Charmaine Saith: Certified Tai Chi Gung Instructor

"I was born on the island of Trinidad and Tobago. After high school I studied  After completing a B.Sc. and B.A. at the University of Florida, Gainesville, I returned to Trinidad to find it had become unlivable because of drugs and horrific crime.

I settled in Orlando, Fl and worked as a software developer for 2 years before joining my husband's small engineering firm as administrative manager, a position I held for 3 decades. I gave up this position in October 2021 to  study Tai Chi Gung, Ayurveda, and to follow my childhood dream of becoming a professional artist.


Can I Join a Class Anytime?

Lao Tzu created a series of warm ups and 4 basic Standing Exercises that are the core of every class. These are simple moving and breathing exercises that help students feel the life energy of Nature directly. Almost 90% of students feel it in their very first class.

Whether you have been studying 6 minutes, 6 months or 6 years, you do the simple movements you learned in your very first class. They serve as an outline, and each student connects in their own way.

Because we don't hold back exercises, and they remain consistent, new students can join a live class any time. You'll feel right at home!


What Should I Wear?

Comfortable street clothes are fine. The class is done standing up, and it's so gentle you won't break a sweat!

Lao Tzu
The Circle of Chi book by Master Lama Rasaji

Aveți întrebări? Sună-mă!

Sunt atât de încântat că ești aici! Dacă aveți întrebări despre cursuri sau despre Tai Chi Gung, sunt bucuros să le răspund.

Ma puteti suna la: 321-230-6777

Sau trimiteți un e-mail la: [email protected]

Îți voi întoarce apelul de îndată ce voi putea. În cazul în care ați ratat-o ​​mai sus, am descoperit că cel mai rapid mod de a vă da seama dacă vă place Tai Chi Gung este să urmați un curs live.

Ești binevenit să ni te alături oricând. Vă așteptăm cu drag!

Cu stimă,

Charmaine Saith

Align Your Aura

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