Judith and Tom Simmons

Certified Tai Chi Gung Instructors
A beautiful sunrise over the Oro Valley in Arizona.

Welcome to Circle of Chi!

Tai' Chi Gung Oro Valley

We are so pleased you have discovered the Circle of Chi community, and the Tai Chi Gung classes.

You now have access to the teachers in your part of the world.

Does Tai Chi Gung really benefit you?

It is working for thousands of people in our Circle of Chi community of more than thirty countries around the world.

Tai Chi Gung was originally shared from Master to Student in unbroken lineage of 3,300 years, yet classes are now opening to a larger awakening populace due to cosmic need.

What matters most is that it is now offered to you through qualified teachers trained by Master Lamas from the 3,300-year-old Darchan Lamasery, in Tibet.

Standing Exercises:

Is for those who can stand comfortably for an hour using simple exercises that stimulate all muscles, ligaments, and tendons in the physical body.

Sitting Exercises:

These exercises called “The Emperor’s Choice” were originally taught to Emperor Chen in China, which added 30+ years to his troubled, dying body.  These exercises give strength to the body as in the standing exercises but are used for those who cannot stand for a period of one hour.

Tai Chi Gung Oro Valley

Class Schedule

The first class is always free to a new member. 

Class charges are $15 per class or $25 for two members of a family.

Classes are at Villages of Silverhawke, Oro Valley, AZ.

Classes on Tuesdays start at 3 pm. for one hour.  Classes on Thursdays start at 9 am. for one hour.  Classes will be indoor or outdoor as the weather permits. 

These exercises remain constant so new students and someone who needed to miss any class can fit in right away with the rest of the class.

Ninety percent of students find the Chi Energy Movement during the very first day of exercise.

Please email:  [email protected] or [email protected] regarding any questions or directions.

When you use this link to join ANY Circle of Chi membership level, you'll get your first week free! 

Also, use code JUDITH at checkout and get 50% Off your first month subscription! 

See Online Memberships

Meet Your Teachers

Tom & Judith: Certified Tai Chi Gung Instructors

Tom Simmons was honorably retired as a US Air Force Major, and as Santa Monica Police officer.  

He retired as a Senior Aerospace Systems Engineer as Project Manager and Program Manager.

He loves photography, hiking and traveling, as well as doing and teaching Tai Chi Gung.

Judith Simmons was a public school, vocal and band music teacher, as well as being a professional singer and French horn player.  She performed in everything from concerts-in-the part, to opera, musicals, dance bands, and directed church choirs and orchestras.

She later became a school counselor, an ordained minister (as Dr. Judith) and she is a businesswoman.  She has authored numerous books and CDs on esoteric subjects.

Judith and Tom Simmons from Circle of Chi

After decades of meditation and soul searching and discovery, Tom and Judith thrill in helping others to awaken to Tai Chi Gung and the benefits of moving the Chi energy throughout the body (often for healing) and then sending it out into the universe.

The peace of mind, and spiritual and physical healing has been a wonder to behold.  Would you like to join us?

Boganathar from India (whom the Chinese named Lao Tzu) created these classes that are used in every class, inspired from the movement of mother nature.  You move your body with these simple exercises without sweat and strain, which do not push you to move more than you are able.

Can I Join a Class Anytime?

Lao Tzu created a series of warm ups and 4 basic Standing Exercises that are the core of every class. These are simple moving and breathing exercises that help students feel the life energy of Nature directly. Almost 90% of students feel it in their very first class.

Whether you have been studying 6 minutes, 6 months or 6 years, you do the simple movements you learned in your very first class. They serve as an outline, and each student connects in their own way.

Because we don't hold back exercises, and they remain consistent, new students can join a live class any time. You'll feel right at home!


Spiritual Sustenance

PRAY or meditate a minimum of 5 – 10 minutes a day.

WALK 10 -15 minutes a day.

DO Tai Chi Gung 20-40 minutes a day.

READ the Bible, or mystical/spiritual books each day.

Lao Tzu

Have Any Questions?  Call Us!

If you have any questions about the classes, or about Tai Chi Gung, we're happy to answer them.

You may call Judith at 720-299-2264

Or send us an email to:

[email protected] or [email protected]

Pillars of the Tai Chi Gung process:

You can also join the 7 Day Free Trial of any membership (button below) to get access to the warm-ups and four standing exercises and can even download the free Circle of Chi book that was written by Master Lama Rasaji. 

It is wonderful to be part of this large community, and you will also find that Live Classes bring you more benefits of chi energy.

God bless you,  

Judith and Tom Simmons

See Online Memberships
Oro Valley Life
Judith & Tom's Desert Harmony
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Dr. Kari Hahn, Oro Valley Acupuncture


"As a practitioner of Chinese Medicine and martial arts, I highly recommend Judith and Tom Simmons to teach Tai Chi Gung.

They are stunning and inspiring teachers and have a vital knowledge of the history of Tai Chi Gung."

Kristy Harvey, Recreational Manager, El Conquistador, Hilton of Tucson


"I'm writing in support of Judith and Tom Simmons, who have provided Tai Chi Gung classes at El Conquistador, a Hilton Resort.

Their knowledge and skills have brought joy to all who have participated with them.They are a delight to be around, and their classes bring a peaceful feeling over the resort.

I highly recommend adding Tai Chi Gung classes to your schedule.  Judith and Tom are professional, polite, and genuine.  It is a pleasure working with them."

More Testimonials


Beverly L

"I am in my late 80's, and I cannot believe how easy Tai Chi Gung is to move to.  It makes me so calm,"

Sue A. 

"We move effortlessly to gain energy and peace."

Ted M. 

"This is so awesome."

Mike and Carol H 

"Wow.  This is so very much a surprise.  How can you have such peace and energy at the same time."

Align Your Aura

Discover Our Tai Chi Gung Essentials! Every item in our store is chosen to enhance your practice. Your support keeps the Circle of Chi strong!

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Join Us!

When you use this link to join ANY Circle of Chi membership level, you'll get your first week free! Also, use code JUDITH at checkout and get 50% Off your first month subscription!

See Our Memberships